Welcome to All Saints Catholic Church here in Mesa Arizona!
I'm so glad you're here. I'm Fr Jovi, Pastor of this church and I welcome you. We are a community that loves Jesus, loves each other and loves you.
We're a place where everyone is called to worship God in a sacred and safe space. We believe that this is the most important thing: that we can come together as one body of Christ and celebrate how God has worked in our lives.
We're also a place where you can grow closer to God through worship, prayer, fellowship and service projects.
Our website is full of resources designed to help you learn more about us and on how we express our faith, including live-streamed Sunday Mass at 9AM and Daily morning Mass at 8:30 AM; videos featuring members of our church family; information about upcoming events like services, small group gatherings, children's programs and we are also working on an online Eucharistic Adoration Time direct from our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
I am so excited about the opportunity to get to know you better and to walk with you towards knowing Jesus and His love for all of us!
God bless all of you!
Fr Jovi Balang
Fr. Jerome farewell party
All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Mesa
1534 N. Recker Road
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Phone (480)985-7655 Fax (480)396-0837
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