Devotional & Spiritual Enrichment Ministries


Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is a devotion whereby members of a parish unite in making continuous adoration before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, all year long.  At least one individual is in prayer before the Holy Eucharist at all times.

The Saint Francis of Assisi Adoration Chapel is located on the north side of the church. It is open 24 hours with admission by keycard 4pm through 6:30am

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What is Cursillo?

Cursillo is an encounter with Christ on the weekend but it is so much more than that weekend. The mission of the Cursillo has always been for an individual to grow closer to Christ using a method of piety (heart), study (intelligence), and action (will), with the support of others. In doing so the love of Christ is reflected on all those we encounter in our daily lives. In this way the world is transformed. WHY? Because it is the calling of our Baptism. Does that sound familiar? It should: it is the mission expressed by the New Evangelization.


Who is Cursillo For?

An active practicing Catholic adult (18+) who has no impediment to receiving Holy Eucharist. Someone who wants to be more like Christ and to live your Baptismal calling. Someone who wants to find Christ in our every day environments, in your family, place of work, in your neighborhood and Parish.

A Cursillo Weekend brings together a diverse group of Catholics to share the richness of many modes of worship and to broaden each one’s appreciation for our Church. Lay people conduct the Weekend with two members of the clergy functioning as spiritual advisors. A Spiritual Advisor is usually a priest and the Assistant Spiritual Advisor is a deacon or religious. Cursillo presumes that those who attend are already well grounded in the faith. It is not intended to be a conversion experience but an enriching and deepening of what is already there. It often provides new insights into our faith as well as fostering ministry among lay people. The Weekend begins Thursday evening with meditation and prayer. Then blessed silence is kept until after worship on Friday morning. Following breakfast, participants are assigned to table groups for the remainder of the weekend. The three days are filled with talks and group discussions with emphasis on the doctrine of Grace, the Sacraments, and the great Cursillo tripod: Piety/Study/Action. Plus there is fellowship, singing, good food, and time for privacy, meditation, prayer, and walks. The Eucharist is celebrated each day. 

For more information please contact the parish office at 480-985-7655.

Men's Ministry

Vision - To encourage and form men to be bold servant leaders of our Catholic faith in our family, church, work and community.


Mission statement - The All Saints Men's Ministry exists to serve and build up the body of Christ through activities that create fellowship and faith formation through the stewardship of time, talent and treasure.


Values -

· We are committed to deepening our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ above all else and passionately pursuing his purposes for our lives.

· We are committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.

· We are committed to pursuing vital relationships with other men to experience community and hold each other accountable.

· We, who are married, are committed to loving our wives as Christ loved the church and faithfully keeping our marriage promise.

· We are committed to supporting the mission and values of All Saints Catholic Church and consistently giving of our resources and time to build God’s kingdom.

· We are committed to investing in and equipping men to be leaders in the home, church and community.

· We are dedicated to Christian Charity, Stewardship, Mentoring and sharing our faith with others.

· We are to be guided by the Holy Spirit to live our life as men of God

· We are committed to experience God's unconditional love through the Mass, Daily Prayer and Sacraments.

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Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH)

Our Vision

We envision ourselves to be a ministry whose heart is devoted to Mary and through her inspiration, to become closer to Jesus in order to attain holiness and our salvation.

Our Mission

 The promotion and spread of the devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and other Marian devotions in our parish, neighboring parishes, and homes

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Sisters in Christ

Women walking together in fellowship toward a personal relationship with God.

Sisters in Christ is an ever increasing group of women coming together to experience a growing fellowship in a journey of faith. We learn who God is to us through Scripture, prayer and community.

Sisters warmly welcomes women of all ages.

No registration is necessary and no long term commitment is required.

We offer a variety of DVD series for our sessions. Choose any or all that calls you.

Above all, you will cultivate friendships that endure for a lifetime.

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