The Lord has entrusted certain talents in each of us and we need to return these gifts to Him. Volunteering your time and talents not only strengthens our parish and community, it instills personal ownership of our parish and renews your baptismal promise to receive God’s gifts and return them generously.
Our church community welcomes the service of each of us so we may continue God’s work for our parish. Take a moment to review the many ministries and organizations at All Saints and prayerfully consider how you will become an active part of our Church to help ensure the growth of our parish and community.
The Diocese of Phoenix is dedicated to upholding a culture of safety and the protection of children and vulnerable adults. All volunteers are required to complete a screening process implemented by the diocese.
Liturgical Ministries
The Liturgical Ministries are the key to each of our celebrations. Parishioners can share their time, talents and gifts with the greater community to ensure that we all join in a full, active, and conscious way in our celebrations. See the opportunities listed below, as there are many ways one can become a part of our liturgical celebrations.
For more information, contact our Liturgy Department
or complete the contact form on the "Learn More" link and we will reply as soon as possble.
Music Ministries
"Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual song, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.”-Ephesians 5:19
Our Music Ministry aspires to create a positive, uplifting environment centered on Christ, fervent in the Holy Spirit, and rooted in prayer. The music ministry team leads worship at all our Masses.
For more information, contact:
Daniel Torres, Director of Music
or complete the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possble.
Devotional & Spiritual Ministries
Every Catholic spends a lifetime developing their spirituality.
It is an individual experience for each.
All Saints offers a variety of ministies to develop and/or increase their spirituality.
Service & Outreach
As Catholics, we are called to grow in spirituality and practice our faith through fellowship and service to others.
All Saints offers several ministries and organizations that provide service and outreach for our community and beyond.
Support Ministries
You are not alone.
All Saints offers support to those suffering a loss and are looking for bereavement assistance.
We also strive to increase mental health awareness and assist those in need.
All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Mesa
1534 N. Recker Road
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Phone (480)985-7655 Fax (480)396-0837
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