Service & Outreach

For general information about our ministries, send an inquiry below.

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Catholic Daughters of the Americas

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest national organization of Catholic women in the world. It was founded in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus as an opportunity for Catholic women to belong to a fraternal organization and to help them improve themselves spiritually, intellectually and socially. Catholic lay and religious women 18 years of age or older, who love and support the Church, and wish to participate in charitable and social activities, are welcome to join. The Junior Catholic Daughters (JCDA) is our National Youth Program for girls 6 - 17, which was founded in 1925.

Martha' Ministry

Information coming soon

Ministry of Care

It is the responsibility of the Church as a whole, as well as the individuals within the parish community, to care for the sick.

There are many references in the scriptures of Jesus caring for those who were sick and suffering. He offered them comfort, healing, forgiveness and new life. Just as Jesus cared for the sick, we today are called upon to do the same.

But this responsibility does not just fall on the ordained. Baptism calls all members of the faith community into service. The Pastoral Care of the Sick is one of the oldest ministries of the Church. This apostolate is a powerful witness to God’s presence and a significant means of sharing Christ’s healing power.

The Ministry of Care takes communion to the Homebound, Assisted Living Facilities and Hospitals. Taking communion to them from our Parish Eucharistic celebration is a symbol of unity between the community and its sick members and those unable to attend Mass.

Ministers of Care visit the sick, the grieving, the aged and the dying. In presence, prayer and sacrament, support and comfort are given from person to person, uniting the Church. Being entrusted with the Body of Christ is a tremendous responsibility, but as well, a huge blessings.

If you feel the Lord is calling you to this Ministry, contact the Parish Office.

If you are unable to attend Mass or know anyone who is unable to attend for any of the above reasons, or someone who needs Anointing of the Sick please notify the parish office 480-985-7655.

Knights of Columbus

As Knights we serve our parish and community and strive to create a better environment through works of charity. Our fund-raising activities include preparing spaghetti dinners for the parish, a spring golf outing, monthly sales of walnuts and almonds, Lenten soup suppers and collections for pregnant women.

Joining the Knights affords an excellent way to live your faith helping others through our charitable and social programs. Experience the camaraderie and sense of accomplishment joining the Knights affords. Please let any Council member know at Mass or Coffee and Donuts or any of our activities that you are interested. We would very much like to have you as a Brother.

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Porters of St. Joseph

The Porters of Saint Joseph is a volunteer apostolate with the mission to imitate St. Joseph as the Protector of the Holy Church, Pillar of Families, and Terror of Demons.

We do this by providing a safe environment at our parishes so the faithful can worship God in peace and security. We build teams of faithful men who have felt the call to get involved, but have not yet found the opportunity to put their courageous, heroic, masculine heart at the service of their parish, while at the same time, forming a bond of Christian brotherhood with like-minded men.

Fulfill our successor to the apostle’s call to step into the breach and join the Porters of St. Joseph!

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St. Vincent de Paul Society

SVdP members are lay men and women who in their ministry to the poor strive to impart a spiritual message as well as material assistance to those in need of help. Assistance is available by calling 480-985-7693 and home visits will be arranged. The SVDP society takes up a monetary collection on the first Sunday of each month and has a Thanksgiving food collection to assist them in their ministry.

Donations: Non-perishable food items may be left at the Parish Office. Arrangements to have clothing, furniture and large items picked up at your residence may be made by calling 602-254-3338.

Visit for additional information.

Welcome Ministry

This ministry is a group of volunteers joining together to promote a church community that embraces a spirit of friendliness and helpfulness towards all parishioners and visitors at All Saints Church. Our members are in the Welcome Center after all weekend Masses. We are there to distribute forms to those interested in registering as new parishioners, to provide general information about sacraments and faith formation programs, and to answer questions and deliver messages to the church office . In addition, we have information for all the different ministries that might be of interest to anyone wanting to volunteer and become a more integral part of the parish community.

The members of this ministry are scheduled monthly in the welcome center according to their availability and mass preference. Even if members are not scheduled for a particular weekend Mass, they are always welcome to stop by the center just to say hello or assist if needed. 

Our ministry also joins the pastor and church staff every 3 months in welcoming new parishioners at a reception in St. Elizabeth Seton Hall. This is held after the 11oclock Mass on a Sunday morning. Our responsibilities include setting up food, welcoming the attendees as they arrive, and cleaning up when the reception ends. This is a wonderful opportunity to promote community within our parish.

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