All Saints "Saints"
Our Scuba adventurers at VBS
Preschool fun at VBS
Confirmation and First Holy Communion with Bishop Nevaras
Our religious education program for families with elementary age children in Kindergarten – 5th-grade includes sacramental preparation: First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.
Our family faith approach involves parents and guardians, equipping them with tools and skills to deepen their relationships with the Lord and build their domestic church.
A parent group meets simultaneously with children’s age-level classes, and parents and children come together monthly for Family Faith Nights.
Sessions meet Tuesdays from 6-7:30PM or Wednesdays from 4:30-6PM. They begin the third week of September and run through the middle of May. Registration for the 2024/2025 formation year begins in July.
This registration form needs to be completed for all children, Kindergarten-Fifth Grade, attending the 2024-2025 RE year.
Don't want to register online? Download the registration form and drop it off at the parish.
Our calendar includes RE sessions, Family Faith Nights, Sacramental Preparation events, Parish Events and Catechist Events.
Check it out!
Registration fees are due at when registering.
Fees are: $70 per child
$120 for two children
$150 for three or more children
You may pay by check, cash or online
The Church is entrusted by God to all baptized Christians.
Are you looking for a way to strengthen the faith with which you were endowed at Baptism?
Are you looking to share that faith with others?
All Saints needs you to serve the Church in our community.
The Family Faith Formation office has open positions as catechists, catechist aides, youth ministry core team members, OCIA team and sponsors, substitutes, RE session hall monitors, and more. Please prayerfully consider giving of your time and talent.
*All adult volunteers must have valid updated Safe Environment Training.
Contact Shannon at for more information.
*All adult volunteers must have valid updated Safe Environment Training. Visit the Safe Environment Training Website, CMG Connect to take the initial Foundation course or complete the annual Renewal course.
All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Mesa
1534 N. Recker Road
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Phone (480)985-7655 Fax (480)396-0837
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