Liturgical Ministries

Our liturgical services rely on volunteers and we continuously seek dedicated individuals to join our volunteer team. Explore our diverse range of liturgical ministries to discover where your passion lies. We would love to have you join our team.

  • Altar Linens

    These are volunteers who take care and clean all the linens used at each Mass. This is a ministry which can be done at home.

    Those who are called to clean our altar linens need to meet the following requirements:

    • Adults who are baptized in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • And confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Commitment to clean the altar linens on a periodic schedule.

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  • Altar Servers

    Being an altar server at All Saints Parish is a wonderful way to introduce young men and women into the liturgical spirit and life of the Church.  Serving our Lord in the Sanctuary and being part of a “ministry team” with the Priests, Deacons, and lay ministers, allows children to grow and learn in an environment of both religious tradition and ongoing change. 

    Servers must have the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation to be considered for a server position. Most importantly, they must have the desire, character, and work ethic to serve the parish , the Church and Christ. It is definitely a faith-building experience and exposes our children to the Sacramental life of the Church at an age in which they may be just beginning to discern their life’s “call”. 

    Servers are introduced to not only the Sacraments of the Church, but also to the concept of “service”, a concept which will carry them well in their life. Servers are formed into “teams”, each person with specific duties and responsibilities. 

    Servers are expected to serve at least twice per month; will be assigned to a specific Mass; and also called upon to fill in for vacationing or absent servers and serve at Special Masses, especially during the Easter, Christmas and other periods. 

    All Saints is truly a “House of Mercy”, and your children will be safe here. All ministers and clergy have completed the Diocese’s safe environment training, and the parish takes its responsibility for the safety of its young people seriously. 

    May this be the start of a great experience for you and your young man or woman.

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  • Art & Environment

    The A&E individuals are those who support the changing of the decorations in the Church for each of the liturgical seasons of the year.

    If you would like to help setup and decorate the Church, the A&E Ministry needs your help. We change the A&E setup for each of the major liturgical seasons during the year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time and other occasions).

    Volunteers need to meet the following requirements:

    • Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Commitment to meet scheduled times to setup and do decorations in the Church.

    • Attended Call to Protect – Save Environment Training (with recertification every two years).

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  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    EMs are individuals who are fully initiated and practicing Catholics who distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at each Mass.

    EMs are required to meet the following requirements in accordance with the Diocese of Phoenix ministry preparation guidelines, which are:

    • Men or women who are 16 years of age or older, who are active Catholics in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Committed to meeting scheduled commitments to serve as an EM.

    • Attended Call to Protect – Save Environment Training (with recertification every two years).

    Training will be provided.

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  • Lectors

    Lectors proclaim the Word of God and help the community to hear and to pray the words of the Scriptures from the Old and the New Testaments.

    Lectors are required to meet the following requirements in accordance with the Diocese of Phoenix ministry preparation guidelines, which are:

    • Men or women who are 16 years of age or older, who are active Catholics in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Committed to meeting scheduled commitments to serve as an Lector.

    • Attended Call to Protect – Save Environment Training (with recertification every two years).

    Training will be provided.

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  • Ushers/Greeters

    Ushers and Greeters are those who are welcoming and help to keep each celebration moving smoothly. They are the first individuals to greet parishioners at the doors of the Church.

    Ushers and Greeters are called to be Ministers of Hospitality and to meet the following requirements:

    • Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • Can arrive at least 30 minutes before Mass.

    • Greet people as they enter the Church and assist people with seating.

    • Hand out bulletins at the end of Mass.

    • Commitment to meet scheduled times each week to serve as an Usher and Greeter.

    • Attended Call to Protect – Save Environment Training (with recertification every two years).

    Training will be provided.

    I'd like to volunteer

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