The Diocese of Phoenix has taken great efforts to put in place systems that assist in keeping our young people safe. A screening process involving completing an application, interviews, signing a code of ethics, and a background check which includes reference checks is required for all clergy, religious, seminarians, employees, and volunteer leaders responsible for youth programs. Volunteers who directly serve minors are also required to complete a face-to-face interview. All clergy members, employees, and volunteers are also checked in the Arizona Sex Offender Registry Database on a continuous basis. Annual training is required for those in ministry, staff and volunteers.
The Diocese of Phoenix is committed to continuing these vital safeguards as we strive to promote healing and reconciliation with victims of sexual abuse; to guarantee and effective response to allegations; to ensure the accountability of our procedures; and to protect the faithful in the future.
It is an important time for the Church to recall what has been learned, to keep in prayer those who are victims, and to recommit ourselves to vigilance in our Catholic community to protect our children from the evils of abuse.