Congratulations on your desire to have your child baptized. It will be a joyous occasion for your family and our parish. In choosing baptism for an infant, the parents and the community accept the responsibility to continue the faith development of the baptized through the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation and growth towards Christian maturity.
We ask that families presenting their child for baptism be registered members of our parish. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class within the last 2 years in order to have their child baptized. Classes are offered once a month at All Saints. The preparation class may be taken at another parish. If the class is not taken at All Saints, the parents must provide proof of attendance from the other parish.
Godparents assist the parents in raising the child in the Catholic faith by being an example in living the faith and by supporting and encouraging the child to live out their faith. For the baptism at least one Catholic godparent is needed but ordinarily there are two – one male and one female. The requirements for a godparent are that they are 16 years old or older, have received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation), and are an active, practicing Catholic. They must provide a letter from the parish they are registered at stating they are a Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church and able to act as a godparent. In addition to one Catholic godparent a Christian witness (a person of a non-Catholic Christian community) of the opposite sex may be included in the celebration.
To begin the process for infant baptism, parents should submit the information below to begin the process.
The sacramental formation of adults and the process by which they are initiated into the Church is known as the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or O.C.I.A. These sessions are designed to help adults grow in awareness to God's call to conversion as well as in ways to respond to that call. We welcome adults (and children over the age of 7) who have never been baptized or who have been baptized in another Christian denomination, to join us on the next O.C.I.A. journey.
We accept registrations for sacrament prep classes for adults who have been baptized Catholic, but have not celebrated either of the sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist or both.
For more information about Adult Baptism complete the information below and we will get back to you. Or contact the parish office to speak with Deacon Steve Schmidt at 480.985.7655.
All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Mesa
1534 N. Recker Road
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Phone (480)985-7655 Fax (480)396-0837
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