Hello to any New and Current All Saints Catholic Church, Mesa Parishioner(s).
If you are interested in serving the Lord and your fellow neighbor, please consider helping in Liturgical Ministry. What does this mean? Well, there are many opportunities to serve during the Mass like lectoring (reading the scripture readings of the day), being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EM/EMHC), ushering, welcoming, and bringing up the gifts during the offertory. Prayerfully consider joining us.
Requirements to Serve:
*Membership in Parish for 1 yr (or at Pastor's discretion)
*Men and Women at least 16 years old
*Must be in full communion with the Catholic Church
*Must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
*Must have reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist
God bless you,
Liturgy Team
Thank you for your interest in joining our liturgy team. We have received your inquiry submission and will reach out to your shortly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me through the parish office at 480-985-7655.
Sofia Falter
Chief Sacristan
All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Mesa
1534 N. Recker Road
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Phone (480)985-7655 Fax (480)396-0837
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