Spark/Edge Registration

Middle School Youth Group

Contact Us

Information of anyone bringing student(s) to/from session if other than parent/guardian.


Photo Release:I hereby grant permission for my teen to be photographed and/or videotaped during YM activities and parish events. I understand that my teen may decline to be photographed and/or videotaped at any time. I further grant permission for the resulting photographs and/or footage to be edited, if necessary, and then published and/or broadcast for the purpose of promoting youth and young

adult ministries at All Saints and the Diocese of Phoenix. Social media platforms may include but are not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Flocknote, YouTube, and the parish bulletin and website. (Please initial)

Photo Release:I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the age-appropriate Safe Environment Training lesson provided by the Diocese of Phoenix Office of Child and Youth Protection. I understand that this lesson will be presented in the context of my child’s Religious Education class and that I will be notified in advance of this scheduled presentation.(Please initial)

Behavior Release: My teen named above will dress and act respectably, modestly, and appropriately and cause no verbal or physical abuse of self or others; will not have in his or her possession at anytime weapons, alcohol, drugs or tobacco of any kind; will be responsible for his or her own belongings; will not leave the designated area at any time for any reason without contacting a responsible

adult; and will review these guidelines with me prior to signing below. I understand that if the teen named above is involved in any illegal activity or serious destructive behavior that I will be contacted immediately and be responsible for his or her immediate transportation home.

Medical Release: I understand that reasonable precautions will be taken to safeguard the health and wellbeing of my teen and that I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. In case of sickness or accident, I authorize and consent to any x-ray, exam, anesthetic, medical, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to my teen under the general or specific supervision and on the advice of any physician, dentist, or surgeon licensed to practice. I further understand and agree to be responsible for any such medical, dental, or hospital expenses incurred. Furthermore, in the event of sickness or accident, I will not hold All Saints Roman Catholic Church, the Diocese of Phoenix, or any youth leaders responsible.

Payment: No fees are charged upon registration, but extracurricular expenses (e.g. retreat fees) can be expected throughout the YM year.

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